Members of the Student Wellness Committee want to encourage other students to pursue wellness, both for themselves and as role models for future patients. Students have been writing about different aspects of the eight dimensions of wellness, as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Gabrielle Robinson, a student in the College of Graduate Studies, wrote the following reflection.

“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”
--William Shakespeare


This past winter was a cruel one, as we endured 15 treacherous inches of snow back in January in addition to managing our daily tasks.

Now that the snow has melted away, the temperature is rising with each passing day and the former winter wonderland is giving rise to beds of beautiful blooming spring delights, it’s imperative that we take time to smell the flowers.

Yes, I do mean that literally.

As we go about our day-to-day tasks, let us remember to take some time to admire the natural beauty that surrounds us as spring arrives.

The approach of spring is also a clear indicator that the semester is nearing an end. While the winter is always an exhausting season, let us not become overwhelmed. Instead, let’s embrace the warmth and beauty that is slowly but surely coming.

I use traditional Bahamian recipes from my home in the Bahamas to create my own taste of paradise here in Ohio. I will share a simple, light recipe for crab salad that you can enjoy on its own or with Ritz crackers.  

I hope that this recipe will brighten your mood and help you push through these last few weeks of the semester!

Bahamian Crab Salad

Recipe courtesy of

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