Apply today for financial aid for 2024-25

I am pleased to announce the opening of the application cycle for financial aid consideration in the 2024-2025 academic year. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2024.

This year marks the most significant changes to the application cycle. They include the following:

  • Due to the significant changes to the FAFSA, there will be an abbreviated application cycle. DO NOT DELAY in completing requirements. Will we accept applications after March 1, 2024? Yes. However, applications accepted after the deadline will not be considered for scholarship funds, only federal student loans. 
  • A new, streamlined FAFSA application. This year marks the first time ever that as a graduate and professional student, you WILL NOT have the ability to place parent data on the application. Tax information being used will come from the 2022 tax year. There is no need to wait to complete the FAFSA form for current tax documents. Please note that the Office of Federal Student Aid recently soft launched the application, and the FAFSA form is available periodically while the Office of Federal Student Aid monitors the site for performance to provide a better experience. There will be times when the option to complete the FAFSA is not available. Please continue to check back for updates. 
  • A streamlined financial aid supplemental application, completed in Student Self-Service. You will have a list of questions to answer on the financial aid homepage. In all, the supplemental application will take less than five minutes to complete. Students can log onto Student Self-Service at and in the top left, click on the menu and select Financial Aid. On the homepage, there will be a series of questions that require responses. Please answer each question. Responses to any previously answered questions can be found by clicking on the Resources tab. If you want to change your responses to previously answered questions, please contact us at

Please do not hesitate in reaching out to us if you have questions or need assistance at 330-325-6275 or by emailing

-- Submitted by Michael A. Kempe, director of financial aid

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