Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant Program Earns Accreditation

What’s the best way to celebrate National Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant (CAA) Week?

Get fully accredited to provide CAA education!

The NEOMED Master of Medical Science in Anesthesia program is now fully accredited by the Accreditation Review Committee for the Anesthesiologist Assistant (ARC-AA) of the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).

The MMSc-A program accepted its first cohort of students in January 2022. At the end of the 28-month program, graduates will qualify as CAAs.

“We’re excited that current and future students can rest assured that NEOMED is committed to them as students, to the program and to the profession,” said program director Nathaniel Flath, CAA.

The program is accepting applications for a second cohort to begin Spring 2023. Application deadline is Sept. 2.

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