Get to know Betsy Johnson

Betsy Johnson joined NEOMED in January as assistant director of Student Conduct and Title IX in the Office of Student Services. The Pulse recently invited her to introduce herself. 

What led you to NEOMED?

I was looking to get back into the student-conduct world and NEOMED has a great reputation. 

What are your primary responsibilities in your role?

I manage the entire student-conduct process, including reviewing, investigating, processing and responding to inquiries regarding alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and other University policies by students and student organizations.

As the Title IX coordinator, I oversee policies and procedures related to Title IX laws and regulations. I deal with campus-wide education and orientations. I am the Title IX coordinator for students only.

Finally, I provide administrative support of CAPP*-related responsibilities, including scheduling meetings, preparing decision letters and more.

Are you originally from Northeast Ohio?

I grew up in Wooster and currently live in Youngstown.

Tell us about your family. Any pets?

I have a partner of 7 years, Jerome, two kids, Rome and Aaliyah, and three dogs, Apple, Wiz and Marley.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?

I customize children’s clothes and shoes (crocs too!). I also will on occasion customize adult clothing and shoes.

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

Coffee, running shoes and paints. If I could add one more it would be electronics, phone/phone charger.

If you could eat only one type of food for a year, what would you choose?

Sweets! I love all sweets, especially chocolate.

If you could be any Disney character, who would you be?

Princess Tiana.

How do you blow off steam/relax?

To blow off steam, I love to exercise, especially running. I ran track in college. If I am truly relaxing, I enjoy creating new customized items, spending time with friends and family.

If you could leave for vacation tomorrow, where are you going?

Jamaica or travel anywhere that involves a beach and sun! I love to travel.

What’s your favorite family tradition?

We are starting a new family tradition. We are traveling to all of the NFL stadiums! So far, we have been to three of them.

* Committee on Academic & Professional Progress


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