National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a time that mental health advocates, prevention organizations, survivors, allies and community members use to share resources and stories, and to lend a hand to those in need.

Do you know what to do if a peer, friend or loved one needs help? Take time this month to refresh your memory and become familiar with local and national resources.

Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone. Reach out to the Center for Student Wellness and Counseling Services if you or someone you care about experience any of the following:

  • A recent traumatic event or loss
  • Suicidal statements (direct or indirect)
  • Unhappiness or sadness
  • Negative statements or expressions of helplessness or hopelessness
  • Changes in energy level, sleep or appetite
  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Social withdrawal or isolation
  • Changes in personal hygiene or appearance
  • Signs of excessive alcohol and/or drug use
  • Relationship problems with family, friends or partner

How to help

So, you identified that you, or someone you know, needs help. What’s next? Remember that counseling takes strength, but it’s free and confidential, and it may provide just the support that’s needed. If you want to help someone, offer to accompany them to their first counseling appointment. Lend a listening ear and a shoulder they can lean on. You just might make the difference.

If you would like to make an appointment or are unsure about the next steps to take, contact the Center for Student Wellness and Counseling Services at 330.325.6757, or If you believe there may be imminent danger of harm to a student or someone else, contact University Police at 330.325.5911 or 911.

Additional resources

Help is available 24 hours a day for students in a crisis or in need of a personal intervention.

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