NEOvations Pharmacy Services for NEOMED Employees and Dependents

NEOvations Pharmacy Services is available for all NEOMED employees and dependents.

  • The Medication Check-Up is available to those with multiple medications or health conditions and include a one-on-one comprehensive review of your medications.
  • The Diabetes Consultation is available to those with a diagnosis of diabetes. Perks for enrollment in the program include unlimited access to a Board Certified Pharmacist in Advanced Diabetes Management, optional two-week continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). Schedule an appointment for a Medication Check-Up or Diabetes Consultation by emailing NEOvations Pharmacy Services at
  • Immunization Services including annual influenza, COVID-19, routine vaccines and travel vaccines.

Email us at for vaccine availability.

We look forward to working with you to help improve the quality of your health and answer any questions that you may have. By working with your health care providers, we can:

  • Simplify your medications
  • Look for side effects or interactions
  • Save you money
  • Help you learn about your medications and health conditions
  • Provide guidance about wellness and preventative medicine
  • Improve quality of life

NEOvations Pharmacy Services, LLC is excited to offer services that include pharmacist as an important part of your health care team.

Thank you and we look forward to helping you make the most of your medications.

NEOvations Pharmacy Services

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