NIH's Stress Groups for Faculty and Staff Scientists

As part of its Raising a Resilient Scientist Series, the National Institutes for Health offer drop-in stress groups for PIs, staff scientist and clinicians. These groups are open to extramural and intramural participants. Please note these groups are only for PIs/staff scientists/clinicians. This group is not open to trainees, including students, post bacs and post docs. See trainee wellness info

For more details, please see below:

Stress Groups (PIs and Staff Sci/Clin)

Address the stress of being a PI/Staff Scientists/Clinician drop-in groups: OITE Wellness Advisors will facilitate stand-alone drop-in groups as part of the Raising a Resilient Scientist series. We recommend that you attend the workshops first or watch the recording, but even if you can’t, you are invited to come to the stress group. There are separate sessions for faculty and staff scientists/clinicians on Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023.

PIs: discuss the stresses and challenges of being a principal investigator, mentoring trainees, and running a research group. Participants will have an opportunity to focus on their own wellness and resilience needs, discuss their experiences and concerns, hear from other PIs, and share strategies for addressing stress. 

PI Stress Group Jan. 31, noon to 1 p.m. ET

Staff scientists/clinicians: discuss the stresses of being a staff scientist/clinician, including having to juggle such diverse responsibilities as doing one’s own work, mentoring trainees, supporting the work of the research group, and meeting the expectations of the PI. Participants will have an opportunity to focus on their own wellness and resilience needs, discuss their experiences and concerns, hear from other staff scientists/clinicians, and share strategies for addressing stress. 

Staff Scientist/Clinician Stress Group Jan. 31, 1-2 p.m. ET

— Submitted by Rebecca Hayes,

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