TEDxNEOMED returns Oct. 21

TEDxNEOMED returns to campus 6-9 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 21, in Watanakunakorn Auditorium. Attendance is limited to 100 guests. Tickets are available for $20.

The theme of this year’s program is The Art of Medicine: The Craft, Connection and Culture of Healing. Treatments, medications and surgeries are an important aspect of the ever-expanding field of medicine, but what is required to apply these therapies? TEDxNEOMED speakers will explore the methods, motivations and nuances of both the healers and the healed.


  • Rahul Damania, M.D. (’16), pediatric critical care, Cleveland Clinic
  • Alicia Shelly, M.D., internal medicine and obesity, Wellstar Douglasville Medical Center, Wellstar, Georgia
  • Paul J. Lecat, M.D., professor of family and community medicine, internal medicine and pediatrics, NEOMED
  • Phaedra Norrell, neuroscience Ph.D. candidate at Kent State University/NEOMED
  • Tyler Nguyen, second-year medicine student, NEOMED
  • Brahmjot Judge, second-year pharmacy student, NEOMED

Register now for TEDxNEOMED

TEDx events are local gatherings where live TED-like talks and performances are shared with the community. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis. The content and design of each TEDx event is unique and developed independently, but all of them have features in common.

The TEDxNEOMED event was planned by a team of students, including:

Mark D'Agosta, M4, lead organizer/president

Deepasari Ananth, M4, curation chair

Mark Sobnoski, M.D. (’23), curator

Lance Reidenbach, M.D. (’23), curator

Samuel Accordino, M2, curator

Amanda Milo, M2, curator

Natalie Ganios, M4, event chair - treasurer

Flora Gallegos, M3, social media and marketing chair

Register now for TEDxNEOMED

Watch previous TEDxNEOMED talks

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