Vaccination rates as of Nov. 18

As of Thursday, Nov. 18, the COVID-19 vaccination rates at NEOMED stood at 99% for students and 94% for faculty and staff.
Here’s how the numbers break down: P1s, P2s, M3s, M4s and Modern Anatomical Sciences degree program students remain steady at 100%. M1s follow at 99%, then M2s and P3s at 98%. Next are P4s at 97%.
Among employees, 29 are unvaccinated/undisclosed, with 456 of NEOMED’s 485 employees vaccinated. The overall employee vaccination rate is 94%.
The COVID Response Team reported that since the last update on Nov. 11, there has been five positive student cases. The cumulative total of student cases is 97. The cumulative total of employee cases is 52.
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