Writing Center abstract accepted for 'Learn Serve Lead 2024: The AAMC Annual Meeting'

In November of 2022, President Langell challenged the NEOMED community to submit abstracts to the Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting. For the second year in a row, the Writing Center’s abstract was accepted for a poster presentation Nov. 8-12 in Atlanta.

The presentation, titled “The Final Results of the Writing Center and Second Language Learner Commons Pilot Program at the Northeast Ohio Medical University,” provides a comprehensive view of the 30-month Writing Center pilot program that is ending the summer of 2024.

Double-blind peer review comments included, “Thank you for sharing your work. This is an important and timely topic, and your program sounds impactful,” and “The strength of this proposal is that writing support is an overlooked but critical resource at many programs, so these findings have broad relevance.”

Writing Center Specialists Brook Wyers and Brian Harrell are planning on attending the AAMC Annual Meeting to present the final data from the pilot. AAMC 2024 Meeting is the sixth accepted presentation abstract for the Writing Center during its 30-month pilot. The others were Teacher to Teacher 2024, TYCA 2024, AAMC 2023 Meeting, CCCC 2023, and TYCA 2023.

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