Are You Taking Charge of Your Health?

Continuing the 'Take Charge of Your Health' theme this quarter, check out highlights from the Wellness at NEOMED programming for faculty and staff:

What's new with wellness this month?

  • Back to Health Program: This six-week program begins May 11, and teaches vital skills and information that promote prevention of and recovery from back injuries. Please see the program flyer to learn more. Sessions take place on Wednesday, from noon to 1 p.m. Log into the Wellness Portal to reserve your spot through the calendar today!
  • Group Exercise Class Pass: If you haven’t already picked up your 2nd quarter pass it’s not too late! Please visit the Sequoia reception desk to pick up your pass. Please be sure to receive a visit on your card for each class you participate in. 
  • Health Coaching: Work with Dan Peplin, the health and wellness coach, to make improvements with your health and wellness – it’s free! Dan can be contacted through the Wellness Portal in the Coaches Corner.

May is National Mental Health Month!

  • This year’s theme is – “Life with a Mental Illness” and in the absence of diagnosed mental illness the focus can be “Improved Mental Health”.
  • Reduce stress, increase gratitude, increase life satisfaction, improve self-esteem, being charitable, and increasing resilience are areas of our lives that affect our mental health and overall well-being.
  • “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” Yogi Berra
  • 1 in 5 Americans will be affected by a mental health condition in their lifetime and every American is affected or impacted through their friends and family and can do something to help others. See more.

Suggested Departmental Wellness Activities

  • Consider working with the Health and Wellness Coach available through the NEOMED Wellness Portal for life satisfaction goals.
  • Try a mind/body class like yoga at Sequoia Wellness or your local fitness center.
  • Fold a paper into three sections. In the first section, list your gifts, strengths, talents, including abilities and personal qualities. In the third section, list problems in the world that are concerning to you, such as child abuse, animal abuse, violence, etc. In the middle section, use creativity to devise at least three ways to use your gifts in the first section to positively impact the problems in the third section.
  • Learn to stop ruminating by “letting it go.”
  • Draw an image of your perfect life, including your home, relationships, clothing, job, and achievements. Turn your paper over and write three steps that will help you make your dreams come true.
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