College of Pharmacy Hosts 2021 Pharmacy Awards Ceremony Via Zoom

On April 21, 2021, the College of Pharmacy hosted its annual awards ceremony via Zoom. Over 70 individuals attended the event to celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of students, alumni, faculty, and staff of the College of Pharmacy.

Liz Frederickson, Pharm.D. (’14), an assistant professor of pharmacy practice and of pharmaceutical sciences, presided over the event. Congratulations to Dr. Fredrickson, who also won an award for P2 Teacher of the Year for the second year in a row!

The afternoon ceremony began with a welcome and congratulations to all from President Langell.

The slate of awards has been expanded significantly over previous years to recognize more individuals who contribute significantly to the success of the College. Among the additions were several alumni awards and a Staff Excellence award, which was presented to Kristi Kamis, M.Ed., Curriculum Coordinator for the College of Pharmacy. Kamis was recognized as “A staff member who consistently and substantially exceeds the expectations of the position, performing at a level above and beyond normal job requirement and has made important and significant contributions in their area.”

The College of Pharmacy plans to recognize a new group of winners in Spring 2022, hopefully in-person.

-Submitted by Chelsea Donovan

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