Creating Cards for Care

The Geriatrics Interest Group gathered together May 20 to spread a little love to those who may be feeling lonely during these quarantine times. Nine individuals including Dr. Mariquita Belen, M1s, and M2s, gathered over Zoom to show their support and compassion for the older adult population by creating hand-made and personalized cards for the older adults at the Direction Home Area Agency on Aging.

This idea first started when M1 and M2 students realized that not everyone may have a direct support system during this time, especially those in nursing homes and other care facilities. Dr. Belen helped these students get in contact with the Direction Home Area Agency on Aging to offer support and student services to the older adults. One of the directors at the agency suggested that the best way students could show support right now was making cards that the older adults could read over and over to keep their spirits high.

As the students and Dr. Belen met over Zoom, there were many fun cards made that expressed kind thoughts and words to this nursing home population. Music accompanied the event, and it was a great way for students to reconnect again out of the classroom setting and have time to unwind.

If you are interested in sending cards to this community as well, please email

-Submitted by Rachel Krevh, M1, Geriatrics Interest Group (GIG)

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