External Scholarship: The White Coat Investor

An external scholarship opportunity is available from The White Coat Investor. College of Medicine and College of Pharmacy students are both eligible.

Who can apply?
Only professional students enrolled full-time in a professional school located in the United States for the 2021-2022 year and in good academic standing are eligible (yes, we actually call your school and check). That means medicine, osteopathic medicine, podiatry, dentistry, law, pharmacy, optometry, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, CRNA, anesthesiologist assistant, or veterinarian. We will also consider physical therapy and occupational therapy students if the program leads to a doctorate degree. Yes, I know the post title says “medical school scholarship” and most of our applicants and winners in the past were working toward MD and DO degrees, but all of these degrees are eligible.

  • No online schools (brick and mortar only).
  • No undergraduates.
  • No residents. Even if you’re a dental resident paying tuition. Sorry. Students only.

What does an application consist of?
The application consists of the following information submitted between June 1st and August 31st:

  • Full Name
  • Your Anticipated Degree and Date of Graduation
  • Full Name of Your School
  • Your Mailing Address
  • Your Phone Number
  • Your Email Address
  • An 800-1,200 word proofread essay written in English on any topic you choose

Apply today!

-Submitted by Sarah Moore

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