Free Help With Your Student Loans!

Mr. Garrard, president and founder of PGPresents and a nationally known expert in educational debt management for health sciences students, and a frequent presenter at NEOMED, will be available for private, in-person consultations where you can discuss your individual repayment strategy. You will not want to miss this unique opportunity to get objective and timely information on everything from the income plans to Public Service Loan Forgiveness to refinancing options with private lenders to concerns over changes to loan programs with the new administration.

There are limited spots available for these 30 minute sessions which are being offered when Mr. Garrard is on campus. However, they are available to all students, regardless of year in school, and they tend to fill up quickly and are offered on a first come basis. Sessions are offered on the following dates at the following times:

  • Monday, March 6, 2-3:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 7, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (not available between 10-10:30 a.m.)

You will need to bring a copy of your financial aid account summary (the listing of your loans) available at when you come to the consultation.

RVSP to set up a consultation today! A member of the NEOMED Financial aid team will contact you to confirm your status.

Questions can be directed to the NEOMED Financial Aid Team at

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