Unity, Healing, and Perspective Taking: The Whale Watch Newsletter

It has been a devastating time across our nation, as many of us respond with grief, anxiety, anger, fear, uncertainty and hopelessness to the senseless acts of
violence that have taken place.

Now we must come together and stand united. While it is not always easy to stand united, especially during this time of such uncertainty, strong political opinions, and
tragic violence, it CAN be accomplished.

Demonstrating care, love, support, social connection, and having a sense of belonging are the elements for healing when coping with pain and grief. Now is a time for us to not only contemplate our feelings, but also to seek out healing for ourselves and others.

Please see the Whale Watch newsletter below created for students by the Center for Student Wellness and Counseling Services. Please visit our website for additional resources.


Dr. Jennifer Dougall, Director
Dr. Tiffany Thomas-Lakia; Staff Psychiatrist
Stephanie Orwick, Assistant Director
Jessica Lansinger, Staff Counselor
Dana Whittlesey, Program Coordinator

-Submitted by Dana Whittlesey

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